
Letter K polymer clay alphabet cane

This is part of a series on how to make alphabet canes with polymer clay. (Click here to go back to the beginning, or here to check out the letter “J” cane.) Here is my favourite: the letter K polymer clay alphabet cane.

You will need:

  • Approx. 28g of white polymer clay (about half a standard block)
  • Approx. 8g of black polymer clay (about an eighth of a standard block)
  • Pasta machine or clay roller
  • Tissue blade a.k.a clay slicer


Step 0 – Condition the clays.

Step 1 – Roll the black clay through the pasta machine, to approximately 1.5mm thick (usually the middle setting of a pasta machine):

Thin black sheet

Step 2 – Slice off about one third of the white block of clay (which will be used in a later step):

Save a third for later

Step 3 – Using the larger piece of white clay, roll a cylinder with approximately 2.5cm diameter and 2.5cm tall:

Roll a cylinder

Step 4 – Cut off the left side of the cylinder, starting from about a quarter of the way in from the left edge. (Keep this smaller piece aside for using in a later step):

Cut off left side

Step 5 – Cover the flat side of the larger piece with one layer of black clay. Trim off any excess black clay as necessary:

Insert black sheet

Step 6 – Cut a “<” shape into the larger piece of white clay, so that the point of the “<” meets the middle of the black line:

Step 7 – Cover the two flat sides of the “<” shape with one layer of black clay. (Trim off any excess black clay as necessary.) Then reassemble the cane:

Step 8 – With the smaller piece of white clay left over from Step 2, run it through the pasta machine on the thinnest setting, then wrap the outside of the cane with this thin ribbon of white clay.

Finished cane:

I hope you found the “Letter K polymer clay alphabet cane” tutorial useful. Please give feedback via the comments section or the contact us page or via Twitter or Facebook (@PolymerKay). Thanks!
